About me

Syed Sadatullah Husaini

Syed Sadatullah Husaini is a thinker, writer and social leader. An engineering graduate by education, he has been a social activist since his student days. He authored more than 20 books and hundreds of articles and delivered lectures and speeches. His topics include, application of Islam in the contemporary situation, Islamic activism, Muslim and minority issues, policy issues and topics related to Philosophy, Economics, Gender etc. He has been elected as Ameer (President) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind in 2019. Earlier he had been Vice President and Central Shura member of JIH and President of Students Islamic Organisation of India in his student days.

His academic and social engagements include Chief Editor of Zindagi-e-Nau, Chairman Centre for Studies and Research, Chairman Tasneefi Academy and Life Member Idara e Tahqeeq wa tasneef Islami Aligarh. He is also the Chairman of Dawat Trust and Chairman of Ishaat e Islam Trust. Apart he is associated with many organizations working in the field of academics, social and developmental work and education.

His thoughts are rooted in Islamic traditions yet he represents the fresh, young voices of reform and revivalism.

He says that although Islam stands for globalization and universal brotherhood, modern globalization is a tool of exploitation that creates economic and social inequality. The globalization has resulted in the monopoly of western cultural and ethical values.]

He is critical of both the traditional Muslim societies and the modern western societies for their treatment of women. According to him, the traditional Muslim societies have not given the women their due place and rights as stipulated by Islam, while the modern western societies have snatched the  femininity and the very essence of womanhood from women in lieu of equality.

syed-sadatullah-husainiHe argued that the right path for Muslims in a pluralistic society such as India is to engage in healthy dialogue with majority non-Muslim communities and contribute in a positive manner to society and country. He has been critical of the conspiracy theories, blame games and ghettoist politics and has always urged the fellow Muslims to develop positive mental attitude and strengthen the communication channels with the majority community in India.

In an exclusive paper he has argued that Postmodernism is logically incorrect notion and it is an extreme reaction to Modernism. According to him, the position of Islam that divinely revealed truths are absolute and all other truths are relative, is a perfectly balanced notion that is free from the contradictions of postmodernism. He has supported the ‘Transmodernism ‘notion of Ziauddin Sardar, and argued that Islam is a transmodern reality.

This website is a collection of his writings and speeches and is managed by his fans.
